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Slides with remark


I’ve tried it and liked it. To convert slides to PDF, just print to PDF from Chrome – also, some cropping may be needed.

Animating remark (thanks to http://www.partage-it.com/animez-vos-presentations-remark-js/ — in French):

.remark-fading { z-index: 9; }
.remark-slide-container {transition: opacity 0.5s ease-out;opacity: 0;}
.remark-visible {transition: opacity 0.5s ease-out;opacity: 1;}

Diagrams with mermaid


There is a gitbook plugin for mermaid that renders them on server-side. So does pandoc filter for mermaid. Can I steal the code from there? Is it ok to use phantomjs in the rendering process? Should I use PNG or SVG?

Too many questions.

More for markdown-it


Good place to start: http://mikemcdearmon.com/portfolio/techposts/charting-libraries-using-d3